public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags css & "web design"

August 2006

CSS Tinderbox

by beqquadro & 2 others
"The CSS Tinderbox is an effort to support open source web design by providing very basic, yet solid, CSS/XHTML design templates that web designers and web developers can use as the foundation for their own projects."

July 2006

Carbonmade: Your online portfolio.

by oqdbpo & 35 others
We built Carbonmade because we needed something to manage our work. The application turned out so well that we decided to share with all of you fine internet folks. Since February 2006 we have spent our off hours tinkering with Carbonmade. With feedback from our ever-growing community and lots of nerdy elbow grease it has become something that we are are quite proud of.


by oqdbpo & 6 others
BREAKER DESIGN is the online portfolio of Tyson Rosage, a web and graphic designer based in Boston, Massachusetts. This site serves as the central place to view my latest work as well as a place to get the latest on what’s on my mind. While you’re here you could check out my latest projects. That would be greatly appreciated.

DreamDesign - Malaysia Freelance Web Designer Studio

by oqdbpo
We are a small freelance web design studio located in Malaysia. We offer website design service catering to the needs of commercial or personal website, and re-design website.

css mania

by beqquadro & 92 others, 1 comment
"Since March 2004, the most updated css showcase all over the globe."

round corners css

by beqquadro & 6 others
"I was talking to Jesper about the dotted CSS borders trick and the subject of rounded corners in CSS came up so I showed him my method. There are other ways that I’ve seen it done, but the other methods always require lots of complex HTML and CSS. I figure that lots of nested divs aren’t much better than using a table, so my way doesn’t require much in the way of HTML or CSS. Here’s how I do it."

diagonales css

by beqquadro & 15 others
"Cet article a pour origine notre participation à un concours de code (dont nous sommes fier d'avoir été le lauréat) pour lequel il s'agissait de reproduire, sans image, cette oeuvre de Mondrian (ce lien ouvre une fenêtre popup). Les curieux trouveront sur ces pages le règlement et le résultat de ce concours. Le challenge était donc de représenter des segments obliques séparant des aplats de couleurs par du code web compatible avec les principaux navigateurs. L'une des solutions, la plus simple probablement, consiste à exploiter les bordures d'éléments blocks CSS."

layout gala

by beqquadro & 104 others
"In November 2005 I presented on a three-part article on creating CSS layouts using techniques like negative margins, any order columns and in some case opposite floats. The main goal of the article was getting the maximum number of layouts based on the same markup, each with valid CSS and HTML, without hacks nor workaround and a good cross-browser compatibility. The result is a set of 40 layouts that we've thought worth sharing: on each of them you'll find also a download link (if you want, you can download the entire collection, 40 HTML pages in a single zip file). Further details can be found below the gallery."


by beqquadro & 11 others
css design gallery

June 2006

9 Ways to Misunderstand Web Standards

by chiunam & 2 others
道出不少 Web Standards 的誤解,十分到肉。


by beqquadro & 62 others, 3 comments
"Alsacréations est une communauté dédiée à la conception web aux normes, et notamment aux standards W3C, aux feuilles de style CSS, aux langages HTML et XHTML, ainsi qu'à l'accessibilité du Web en général. L'univers Alsacréations est articulé autour de plusieurs parties : un ensemble de cours et de tutoriels, un forum de discussion, une FAQ, un blog communautaire et un service emploi."